October 30, 2007


What a cool week! We have some really great stuff coming this weekend, and this past week has been absolutely amazingly awesome...ly! Our senior high girls group (G.I.F.T. :: Girl's of Ignite in Friendship and Truth) is headed to the Revolve Tour on Friday and Saturday...Discovery has a busy weekend with a baptism on Sunday...and we're tailgating prior to the baptism (awesome idea Annemarie!). Good times.

Let's all make sure we BYOB this Sunday...(Bring Your Own Buddy)! All this on top of the decision made last week that allows Discovery to move into new facilities in a few months. WOW!

So this week I'm praying for the following things:
-People are reached this Wednesday night as they are invited out to church
-Our youth realize the importance of spreading the gospel in our neighborhoods
-Our senior high girl's are forever changed by the message this weekend
-That many young woman would come to know Christ at the Revolve Tour
-That all our campuses have record breaking attendances this weekend
-That many people are baptized this Sunday


P.S. -> Shout out to Seacoast...they kicked off their Internet Campus this past weekend. Awesome work being done down there.